Yes it is true, tomorrow is the glorious day that is Halloween and I will not be able to follow up with the awesomeness that has been my costumes the past two years (Mariachi and Lady GaGa). Instead it will be the national election day here in Tanzania. With the slight possibility of the current ruling party being defeated we're on standby to see what happens and will not be able to do much celebrating this Halloween. Hamna shida (No problems) all will be fine and for me at least, I will most likely spend the day helping my host family cook, clean, get water, practice my kiswahili, and maybe go watch some soccer with my host baba (father).
Things are starting to move pretty quick these days. This upcoming week will be the end of our brief internship teaching stint, we have our final written kiswahili exam, and will find out where we'll be placed for the next two years! It's kind of crazy that in a few short weeks we'll be back in Dar for swearing in and then it's off to our sites. In two weeks we actually get to go shadow a current PCV (Peace Corps Volunteer). We found out today with whom and where we're going. Turns out I'm off to the southern part of Tanzania in the Mbeya region and will be enjoying a luxurious 12-15 hour bus ride down there, it's gonna be a fun trip.
Well once again I've run out of time here at the internet cafe and will have to call it quits for this post. Hopefully next time I'll be able to put up some pictures and continue with my awesome commentary on Tanzania and my life there in.
Well this just means that October 31, 2012 will be the most epic Halloween ever! :)